1. XOR with Theano

Let's explore the XOR problem with different activation functions and input ranges.

In [1]:
from conx import Network
import numpy as np
import theano.tensor as T
import theano
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatter

%matplotlib inline

1.1 sigmoid

First, with the sigmoid. Theano comes with a sigmoid function:

In [3]:
sigmoid = lambda inputs: T.nnet.sigmoid(inputs) # or just use t.nnet.sigmoid

Let's see the output of that function. However, you can't just call a Theano function in Python.

In [4]:

As you see, you just get back a label. You need to generate Python code by turning the Theano function into a Python function:

In [5]:
inputs = T.vector(dtype=theano.config.floatX)
pf = theano.function([inputs], sigmoid(inputs))
In [6]:
array([ 0.62245933])

To see the output of a range of values, let's plot a range of

In [7]:
def plot_tf(tf, start, stop, title):
    Plot a Theano function by turning it into a Python function,
    applied to range(start, stop).
    inputs = T.vector(dtype=theano.config.floatX)
    pf = theano.function([inputs], tf(inputs))
    plot_pf(pf, start, stop, title)
def plot_pf(pf, start, stop, title):
    Plot a Python function, applied to a range(start, stop)
    res = (stop - start) / 100
    plt.plot(np.arange(start, stop, res), pf(np.arange(start, stop, res)))
In [8]:
plot_tf(sigmoid, -1, 1, "sigmoid(x)")
In [9]:
x = T.dscalar('x')
y = T.nnet.sigmoid(x)
dx = theano.function([x], T.grad(y, x))
pf = lambda xs: [dx(x) for x in xs]
In [10]:
plot_pf(pf, -1, 1, "d/dx sigmoid(x)")
In [11]:
net = Network(2, 2, 1, activation_function=sigmoid) # or, T.nnet.sigmoid
In [12]:
Layer 0:
    Type: <class 'conx.network.Layer'>
    Act : <function <lambda> at 0x7f03e4c319d8>
    In  : 2
    Out : 2
Layer 1:
    Type: <class 'conx.network.Layer'>
    Act : <function <lambda> at 0x7f03e4c319d8>
    In  : 2
    Out : 1
In [13]:
# input low and high values:
ilo = -1
ihi = 1
# output low and high values:
olo = 0
ohi = 1
In [14]:
net.set_inputs([[[ilo, ilo], [olo]], [[ihi, ihi], [olo]], [[ilo, ihi], [ohi]], [[ihi, ilo], [ohi]]])
In [20]:
def test_net(net, res=20):
    m = np.zeros((res, res))
    step = (ihi - ilo)/res
    for i in range(res):
        for j in range(res):
            m[i][j] = net.propagate([ilo + i * step, ilo + j * step])
                origin="lower", # lower puts 0,0 bottom left
                extent=[ilo,ihi,ilo,ihi], # tick label ranges
def plot_net(net, res=20, angle=45):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

    # Make data.
    X = np.arange(ilo, ihi, (ihi - ilo)/res)
    Y = np.arange(ilo, ihi, (ihi - ilo)/res)

    Z = np.array([[net.propagate([x, y])[0] for x in X] for y in Y])
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)

    # Plot the surface.
    surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                           linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

    # Customize the z axis.
    ax.set_zlim(olo - 0.01, ohi + 0.01)
    ax.view_init(30, angle) # tilt, rotate

    # Add a color bar which maps values to colors.
    fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
In [21]:
In [22]:
In [23]:
while net.last_cv_percent != 1.0:
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.02393903616 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 0.678976924574 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 0.67275290586 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 0.669901322389 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 0.669071209818 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 2500 TSS error: 0.688990533867 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 3000 TSS error: 0.669251026502 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 3500 TSS error: 0.669657382648 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 4000 TSS error: 0.671333961616 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 4500 TSS error: 0.667725866593 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 0.680478796455 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 0.680478796455 %correct: 0.25
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.26418435851 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 189 TSS error: 0.0331210263205 %correct: 1.0
In [24]:

1.2 sigmoid with reduced input range

In [25]:
net = Network(2, 2, 1, activation_function=sigmoid)
In [26]:
# input low and high values:
ilo = -0.5
ihi = 0.5
# output low and high values:
olo = 0
ohi = 1
In [27]:
net.set_inputs([[[ilo, ilo], [olo]], [[ihi, ihi], [olo]], [[ilo, ihi], [ohi]], [[ihi, ilo], [ohi]]])
In [28]:
In [29]:
In [30]:
while net.last_cv_percent != 1.0:
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.3411372012 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 388 TSS error: 0.0369984286108 %correct: 1.0
In [31]:
In [32]:
Input : -0.5, 0.5 
Output:  0.9 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Input :  0.5,-0.5 
Output:  0.9 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Input :  0.5, 0.5 
Output:  0.1 
Target:  0.0 Correct
Input : -0.5,-0.5 
Output:  0.1 
Target:  0.0 Correct
Epoch: 388 TSS error: 0.0369984286108 %correct: 1.0

1.3 sigmoid with offset

Let's try an adjusted sigmoid that is moved over a bit:

In [33]:
sigmoid_offset = lambda inputs: T.nnet.sigmoid(inputs - 0.5)
In [34]:
plot_tf(sigmoid_offset, 0, 1, "sigmoid(x - 0.5)")
In [35]:
x = T.dscalar('x')
y = T.nnet.sigmoid(x - 0.5)
dx = theano.function([x], T.grad(y, x))
pf = lambda xs: [dx(x) for x in xs]
In [36]:
plot_pf(pf, 0, 1, "d/dx sigmoid(x - 0.5)")
In [37]:
net = Network(2, 2, 1, activation_function=sigmoid_offset)
In [38]:
# input low and high values:
ilo = 0
ihi = 1
# output low and high values:
olo = 0
ohi = 1
In [39]:
net.set_inputs([[[ilo, ilo], [olo]], [[ihi, ihi], [olo]], [[ilo, ihi], [ohi]], [[ihi, ilo], [ohi]]])
In [40]:
while net.last_cv_percent != 1.0:
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.00345297145 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 0.034691671426 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 505 TSS error: 0.0329752585837 %correct: 1.0
In [41]:
plot_net(net, angle=-45)
In [42]:
Input :  1.0, 0.0 
Output:  0.9 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Input :  0.0, 0.0 
Output:  0.1 
Target:  0.0 Correct
Input :  1.0, 1.0 
Output:  0.1 
Target:  0.0 Correct
Input :  0.0, 1.0 
Output:  0.9 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Epoch: 505 TSS error: 0.0329752585837 %correct: 1.0

1.4 tanh

In [43]:
plot_tf(T.tanh, -1 , 1, "tanh(x)")
In [44]:
x = T.dscalar('x')
y = T.tanh(x)
dx = theano.function([x], T.grad(y, x))
pf = lambda xs: [dx(x) for x in xs]
In [45]:
plot_pf(pf, -1, 1, "d/dx tanh(x)")
In [46]:
net = Network(2, 2, 1, activation_function=T.tanh)
In [47]:
# input low and high values:
ilo = -1
ihi = 1
# output low and high values:
olo = 0.0
ohi = 1.0
In [48]:
net.set_inputs([[[ilo, ilo], [olo]], [[ihi, ihi], [olo]], [[ilo, ihi], [ohi]], [[ihi, ilo], [ohi]]])
In [49]:
while net.last_cv_percent != 1.0:
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.35601694569 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 1.0497584127 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 1.99788034227 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 1.97620970904 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 1.03717854626 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2500 TSS error: 1.06760419938 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3000 TSS error: 1.00107861937 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 3500 TSS error: 1.99832698118 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 4000 TSS error: 1.99851846173 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 4500 TSS error: 1.18594018322 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.02790924608 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.02790924608 %correct: 0.5
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.67123261764 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 1.00085517103 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 1.02691161508 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 1.03060197401 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 1.14150976739 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2500 TSS error: 0.974427749965 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 3000 TSS error: 1.46828651116 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3500 TSS error: 1.00522501898 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 4000 TSS error: 0.782617927377 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 4500 TSS error: 1.03489121151 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.00155162417 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.00155162417 %correct: 0.75
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.40741435992 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 1.98483819584 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 1.63849769858 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 1.00021319038 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 1.00001045735 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 2500 TSS error: 1.08207087185 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3000 TSS error: 1.04540515196 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3500 TSS error: 1.00891531054 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 4000 TSS error: 1.00088112303 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 4500 TSS error: 1.29374438011 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.29090185525 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.29090185525 %correct: 0.5
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.60529930503 %correct: 0.25
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 0.999892837673 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 1.25008613105 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 1.46142638699 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 1.00096304073 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 2500 TSS error: 1.14694250946 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3000 TSS error: 1.04044519604 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3500 TSS error: 1.00229465127 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 4000 TSS error: 1.00026115934 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 4500 TSS error: 1.01934230171 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.16385944429 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.16385944429 %correct: 0.5
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.74079706205 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 1.99999879719 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 1.99999876785 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 1.99999873685 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 1.99999870401 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2500 TSS error: 1.99999866916 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3000 TSS error: 1.99999863206 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 3500 TSS error: 1.99999859248 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 4000 TSS error: 1.99999855013 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 4500 TSS error: 1.99999850465 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.99999845562 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 5000 TSS error: 1.99999845562 %correct: 0.5
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.3944448455 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 500 TSS error: 1.00023820706 %correct: 0.75
Epoch: 1000 TSS error: 1.03330077945 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 1500 TSS error: 1.05335416673 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2000 TSS error: 0.0519813601908 %correct: 0.5
Epoch: 2029 TSS error: 0.0113536787757 %correct: 1.0
In [51]:
plot_net(net, angle=-45)
In [52]:
Input :  1.0, 1.0 
Output: -0.1 
Target:  0.0 Correct
Input : -1.0,-1.0 
Output: -0.0 
Target:  0.0 Correct
Input :  1.0,-1.0 
Output:  1.0 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Input : -1.0, 1.0 
Output:  1.0 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Epoch: 2029 TSS error: 0.0113536787757 %correct: 1.0

tanh -1,1 with batch = True

This seems to work well, but only in batch mode.

In [53]:
net = Network(2, 2, 1, activation_function=T.tanh)
net.batch = True
In [54]:
# input low and high values:
ilo = -1
ihi = 1
# output low and high values:
olo = -1.0
ohi = 1.0
In [55]:
net.set_inputs([[[ilo, ilo], [olo]], [[ihi, ihi], [olo]], [[ilo, ihi], [ohi]], [[ihi, ilo], [ohi]]])
In [56]:
while net.last_cv_percent != 1.0:
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 7.07017426459 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 26 TSS error: 0.025058988129 %correct: 1.0
In [57]:
In [58]:
Input : -1.0,-1.0 
Output: -0.9 
Target: -1.0 Correct
Input :  1.0, 1.0 
Output: -0.9 
Target: -1.0 Correct
Input :  1.0,-1.0 
Output:  0.9 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Input : -1.0, 1.0 
Output:  0.9 
Target:  1.0 Correct
Epoch: 26 TSS error: 0.025058988129 %correct: 1.0

tanh 0,1 with batch mode

conx has a method of only updating the weights after each epoch.

In [59]:
net = Network(2, 2, 1, activation_function=T.tanh)
In [60]:
net.batch = True
In [61]:
# input low and high values:
ilo = -1
ihi = 1
# output low and high values:
olo = 0
ohi = 1
In [62]:
net.set_inputs([[[ilo, ilo], [olo]], [[ihi, ihi], [olo]], [[ilo, ihi], [ohi]], [[ihi, ilo], [ohi]]])
In [63]:
while net.last_cv_percent != 1.0:
Training for max trails: 5000 ...
Epoch: 0 TSS error: 1.25738984118 %correct: 0.0
Epoch: 87 TSS error: 0.0190134394193 %correct: 1.0
In [65]: